Terrorism and National Seceurity Management (17-TNS)
The program is designed for those individuals interested in security management work. Students will gain their knowledge of international terrorism and will be exposed to areas like terrorist violence aimed at achieving radical change in society. The program defines terrorist groups worldwide and their working concepts on destroying life and property by the use of explosives, weapons and other violent means.
Our courses focus on real-life examples, exercises and teamwork, the exchange of good practises and lessons learned and the sharing of experiences and insight. Applicants can develop an individual project during this course. You can choose among the subjects taught in a course relevant to your own work and career. Enrolled applicants will be provided with the complete course syllabus.
To be admitted to this Course one needs the following:
Declaration of no criminal record by way of proof from the National Criminal Police Authority in home country.
Declaration of not engaging in any terror activities at any time
Introduction to criminal law and law enforcement
Security Personnel, Head of Security, Police Officers, National Security Personnel, Special Forces,Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Personnel, Criminal lawyers, prosectors, Military Police, Law Students, bodyguards
The total administrative and course fee charge is $ 1000 (Based on academic merits, a partial scholarship or/and installment payment of fee can be grnted to a limited number of applicants. Please contact us on details.)
Applicants will be provided an academic representative, and a qualified and experienced Course Mentor , text book materials , other study materials, slides, case studies, excercises, tests, supplements and other sources to secure additional materials on the specifics indicated in the course description section. After proper study and review of all materials and completing of all assignments arrangements will be concluded by academic advisor for candidates to sit for their exams at one of Registered Partner Examination centers (RPEC). Specific arrangements will be provided to applicants in good time.
Registration to our programs is made by was of completing our online application format this link: http://german-academic-institute.org/application-section-a.html One may contact us per e-mail as well at: contact@german-academic-institute.eu Registration should be concluded atleast 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the course.
Summarized description of course topics & additional literature
Applicants will learn about
Specific Topics
Alternative Topics
Further Reading
The Modules which are alligned up with innovative materials including the Practical Training Attachment (PTA)to each course, were designed by a group of international EU and ACP practicing educationists and experienced active experts in the industry. These provisions are being made possible through the European Union programme for Capacity Building for Higher Education in Developing Countries (EDULINK I, II and ACP Science and Technology,Erasmus Mundus etc..)
As a result of the years of co-operation between the German Academic Institute , F+U Group (Schools, Academies & Universities) Heidelberg,Germany,(International University of Cooperative Education and The University of Applied Science-Berlin) and other EU-Higher Education, Vocational & Continuing Educational Training Institutes, qualified (passing of both theory & practical training attachment) applicants will be a warded a German Academic Institute Professional Certificate (GAIPC) in cooperation with its state recognized German academic training Institutes. This co-operative engagement is important and practiced at GAI in order to guarantee “Quality Assurance” and “EU added value elements” of course content.